Mouse Acceleration and Speed Test

This page will help you test the mouse for maximum speed or acceleration.
0 px/s
Max speed:
0 px/s
Max negative Acceleration:
0 px/s2
0 px/s2
Max Acceleration:
0 px/s2
Movement Horizontal (X):
0 px
0 px
Movement Vertical (Y):
0 px
To measure the speed and acceleration of the mouse, simply move the mouse across the screen on this page. To reset the maximum values, press the button in the upper right corner of the test.

It's no secret that for comfortable use of a computer or games, you need to optimally adjust the speed of the mouse. To do this, you need to move all sorts of sliders in the system settings without a designation or with incomprehensible numbers from 1 to 20, for example. Some mice allow you to adjust the DPI, but still, these parameters do not exactly indicate the speed of the cursor on the screen.

This test is designed to fill this gap in information. Here you will see how fast your mouse is moving and accelerating on the screen, and you will be able to understand the difference between mouse settings in numbers.

What to look at?

The basic metric is cursor speed in pixels per second. For your convenience, there is a window showing the maximum speed, so you can look only at it.

The second metric you need to look at is maximum acceleration. It shows how fast your mouse is picking up speed. This parameter can be affected by the setting of the same name in the system.

The rest of the parameters will not say much, they are here just for fun.